Course: In Search of Unconditional Love - With Guy Ferré


A Parallax Course SEPTEMBER 2024


The Lee Lozowick no bullshit Path of transformation

In this three-week introductory course, we will explore the foundations of an authentic path, addressing both the hindrances and the beauties along the way. We will also discuss the importance of having a living human teacher to help our hearts expand.

Ultimately, only we can know the depth of our yearning for an authentic inner life. So, where do our priorities lie? The Universe, God, or Truth has no choice but to respond to this sacred need.


September 14/21/28-2024

11am PDT (Los Angeles), 2pm EDT (New York), 8pm CET (Paris)
90 Minute Sessions

Ticket includes 3 Zoom Classes with Q&A and Digital Book by Guy Ferré “Surrender Your Arms”. Personal interview by request.

Price: €130 + Teacher’s donation


Course Content

Class 1 - Do you have an aim on the spiritual path?

Saturday September 14th, 11am PDT (Los Angeles), 2pm ET (New York), 8pm CET (Paris)

When we set specific aims on a spiritual path, they often become unconscious hindrances. Whether it’s aspiring to become a saint, an enlightened being, or achieving a permanent state of non-duality, these goals can limit us. It’s crucial to understand the differences between a spiritual path and a transformational path. This involves a thorough and gentle exploration of our ego's psychic structure. For instance, the wounded inner child significantly shapes our worldview, distancing from even the idea of unconditional love. 

Key question: What is the quality of your being that will carry you through?

Class 2 - Life in the Sacred Swamp

Saturday September 21th, 11am PDT (Los Angeles), 2pm ET (New York), 8pm CET (Paris)

If we are true to ourselves, we must generously examine our relationships with money, sex, power, territories, food, romantic partnerships, children, and aging parents. This level of honesty often surpasses the average spiritual commitment. Kindness, generosity, and humor towards oneself are essential in approaching our shadow, ideally with the guidance of a teacher. 

Key question: Are the fears within me too overwhelming to do this work? (If yes, quietly offer me the treasure of this honest recognition.)

CLASS 3 - The Teacher (servant) /Student (Son of the house)—Relationship

Saturday September 21th, 11am PDT (Los Angeles), 2pm ET (New York), 8pm CET (Paris)

In a transformational process, there are two sides to the coin: one side is the teachings, practices, and everything else; the other is the relationship between the teacher and the student. The teacher, who is essentially the servant, offers unconditional acceptance, which helps the student loosen obstacles. This relationship grows in gratitude, love, service, and a profound bond. Teaching and practices alone lack this heart-to-heart philosopher stone. 

Key question: Is this promise too hard to hear?

About your Instructor


Guy Ferré has been a student of Lee Lozowick (1943-2010) since 1994. A doctor and a married man, he has raised four children. He imparts the teachings of this path of transformation in everyday life, which combines self-observation and devotion. He has written four books: Surrender Your Arms, The Night Watchman's Presence, Embracing Evil, and The Gift of Oneself.


The Western Baul tradition is a blend of devotional Vaishnavism and Vajrayana Buddhism, adapted to the present needs of Westerners. Influences are synthesized from the 4th Way, Sufism, and psychological research. The Hohm Community, created by Lee Lozowick in 1975, like the Bauls of Bengal, is an athanor of creative musicians, writers, poets, artists, and dedicated spiritual practitioners. Our lineage comes from Swami Papa Ramdas of Kerala, followed by Yogi Ramsuratkumar, the Godchild of Tiruvannamalai, and Lee Lozowick.

There are three ashrams in operation: Arizona, France, India: in the USA in France Email of Guy Ferré in Europe

Recommended readings:

For the spirit and flavor of the teachings read any or all of Lee Lozowick's books

Guy’s Ferré’s books are available in English, French, and Portuguese and can be bought through Michel Landais in France by contacting:

Teachers Gifts:

Note: We have reduced the usual ticket price because Guy asks for voluntary donations and teachers' gifts only—so
please give generously and responsibly based on your sense of the course value—which will be very high, I am sure!

You can make your teacher’s gifts here:

Bitcoin Wallet: bc1qpksz0lmu0h75l22wr8yktttzumqc3ej89jlp8g

Iban: FR76 3000 4006 4000 0014 1237 586

Note: This is independent of Parallax and the registration fee for the course.