108 Songs for the Red Goddess

108 Songs for the Red Goddess is a raw and devotional collection of poems that defy convention, offend modern sensibilities, and challenge the pillar saints' religiosity with their bold, erotic message. Andrew Sweeny’s work is part rebellion, part reverence, and a spontaneous exploration of longing, crisis, and illumination. Who is the Red Goddess? She has been worshipped for centuries under many names—exalted in hidden shrines of the East, condemned as a pagan or witch in the West. She is the tantric consort, the sky dancer, the union of emptiness and luminosity, form and formlessness.

ISBN 978-84-129484-5-5, 170 Pages, 13 x 20 cm, Paperback

Andrew Sweeny

A writer, poet, musician, and teacher, Andrew Sweeny has authored numerous music albums and poetry collections. With a rich background in music, literature, and personal development, Andrew brings a surprising and provocative energy to his work.

For over 25 years, Andrew has been deeply engaged in Zen and Vajrayana practices, which infuse his artistic and intellectual endeavours with depth and mindfulness.

In addition to co-running Parallax-Media, Andrew teaches at the École des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris.

Andrew lives in Avon, near the resting place of spiritual luminary George Gurdjieff, with his wife Amelia, their two children, and their pug, Walt Whitman.