Prof. Raoul Eshelman joins the podcast to talk about his new book "Transcending Postmodernism: Performatism 2.0.", a new post-postmodern pessimism, Trump as a metamodern phenomenon, the limits of metamodernism, commonalities of post-postmodern theories'
Read MoreProf. Raoul Eshelman joins the podcast to talk about his new book "Transcending Postmodernism: Performatism 2.0.", a new post-postmodern pessimism, Trump as a metamodern phenomenon, the limits of metamodernism, commonalities of post-postmodern theories'
Read MoreA deep conversation with Dr Ole Bjerg about having a healthy relationship to money and family systems. Hosted by Andrew Sweeny.
Read MoreWhat is Unique? What is Self? What is 2.0? Marc argues that the Enlightenment traditions made the big mistake of denying identity and selfhood. He attempts to rectify this mistake and celebrate human uniqueness as the only way to survive the meta crisis. A great conversation and invitation to Marc's course at Parallax, which begins Sunday, November 24th.
Read MoreMatthias Wirges ist studierter Betriebswirt, lebt mit seiner Frau und drei Kindern in Hamburg und hat sich als Unternehmer und Gründer mehrerer Startups einen Namen gemacht. Seit über 20 Jahren unterstützt er mit seiner Werbeagentur zahlreiche Topmarken bei ihrer erfolgreichen Vermarktung. Er ist als Host eines Video-Podcasts tätig und bietet dort wertvolle Einblicke in die Entwicklung und Zukunft von Marke und Marketing.
Read MoreDr. Henriques joins the Parallax Podcast again to talk about Alchemy, Roger Penrose, political biases and his new book, 'UTOK - The Unified Theory of Knowledge'
Read MoreA few years ago, I met Marianne Costa in a garden in Avon, France, along with a mutual friend who was on a pilgrimage to George Gurdjieff’s grave, located just around the corner from where I live. We had a fascinating conversation, during which she spoke insightfully about Tarot and her collaboration with Alejandro Jodorowsky, among other topics.
Read MoreI caught up with John and Chris and explored John's change of perspective from 'the religion that is not a religion' to the philosophical Silk Road. How do we create a meaningful passage between the religions and those who have fallen out of religion? A heartfelt dia-logos and the start of a longer conversation on the subject.
Read MoreIn light of the recent Christian revival, what is the place of Christianity in the meta-modern world, and how did Christianity fit into the 4th way of George Gurdjeff.
Read MoreDie Politikwissenschaftlerin Prof. Ulrike Guérot im Gespräch mit Tom Amarque
Read MoreDutch philosopher Bernardo Kastrup joins the podcast to talk about the daimon, the topography of ideas, idealism and the end of the meaning crisis.
Read MoreRaven Connolly and Max Borders drop by the Parallax Podcast to talk about their highly anticipated London event, happening September 11th
Read MorePsychoanalyst Leon Brenner joins the podcast to talk about the Lacan, lack, the lacanian psychoanalysis, and the coherence of the self
Read MoreA conversation with Guy Ferré about the radical nature of the spiritual path of Lee Lozowick and his upcoming course at Parallax Academy.
Read MoreIn light of the recent Christian revival, what is the place of Christianity in the meta-modern world, and how did Christianity fit into the 4th way of George Gurdjeff.
Read MoreA conversation with Daniel Gardner and Cadell Last about O.G. Rose’s new course coming up at Parallax this July and the notion of Belonging Again. What should belong to after all of our ‘givens’ are uprooted or put into question? And what about Capitalism and belonging?
Read MoreThe Joy of Movies with Robert Gray - Summer of Imagination course Starts June 15
Read MoreA conversation with Daniel Garner and Special Guest Alex Ebert - Hosted by Andrew Sweeny, about the new O.G.Rose course at Parallax this July and the notion of “Belonging Again.” What should we belong to after all of our ‘givens’ are uprooted or put into question? A two-hour triple expresso conversation of intense philosophical ideation.
Read MoreDie Politikwissenschaftlerin Prof. Ulrike Guérot im Gespräch mit Tom Amarque über das Versagen der Medien, den Niedergang der Friedensbewegung und der diplomatischen Lösungen, die Rolle der USA im Ukraine-Konflikt, und ihr neues Buch "Der Ausverkauf der Republikeit?
Read MoreA discussion about Jordan's recent conversion to christianity, his wrestling with religion, and his understanding of deeper concepts like the trinity, prayer, and suffering. An exteremly deep and heartful conversation.
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