Parallax-Interview with Peter Merry, PhD

Peter Merry is, among other things, a social innovator, public speaker, author and consultant. We talked about some of his ideas, particularly about volution, volition, evolutionary leadership, Spiral Dynamics, a bit of occult psychology and free will. Great stuff, do it up!

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Interview: Paul Lloyd Robson

In this episode I talked to Paul Lloyd Robson, the initiator of MANiphesto, a Kopenhagen-based mens movement, which offers a new perspective on gender. I urge you to check this out, because its a movement that is not about therapy, about the discovery of emotion and trauma or sees itself in contrast to feminst movements, but wants to highlight and explore universal masculine traits in this digital age. If you want to know what it means to be virtuous for a man in 2020, and other related questions, check out this podcast.

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Interview: Halea Isabelle Kala

Halea Isabelle Kala is a an artist, curator, director, CREATIVE producer, Facilitator, SACRED activist & FOUNDER from Berlin. One amazing talk about Transmodernism, Menstruation and the feminine perspective on being in this world after postmodernism.

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Interview: Thaddeus Russell and Alexander Bard

How can we understand what is going on in the US? Are movements like Black Lives Matter beyond reproach - or is there some hysteria involved? In this Parallax-Trialogue Tom Amarque speakes with historian and philosopher Thaddeus Russell as well as with philosopher and popstar Alexander Bard on the current state of the US, Black Lives Matter, the history of hysteria and much more.

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Interview: Peggy Sastre - Critizising #metoo

Peggy Sastre was one of the authors along with Abnousse Shalmani of the open letter criticising #MeToo sent to the leading French newspaper, Le Monde, signed by over 100 high-profile French women. The letter advocated in part that a "freedom to bother" — a man's right to make a pass at a woman, even if a clumsy one — was "indispensable to sexual freedom".

In this conversation Peggy Sastre speaks with Tom Amarque about her decision leading up to writing the open letter, positive and negative feedback and the problems of #metoo.

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Interview: Jamie Wheal - America and The Upsidedown

I wanted to talk to Jamie Wheal about American culture, spirituality, and history. About the strange paradoxes of American, and about his search for the American soul, in the times of 'The Upsidedown'—as the TV show Stranger things calls it. American is in the ‘upsidedown’, we both agreed. But Jamie transmitted his enthusiasm and hopes for the American experiment.

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Interview: Das Ende der Machbarkeit

Woran entscheiden wir, ob eine gegebene Problemlösung machbar ist? Wie viele von unseren unbewussten Vorannahmen sind in Wirklichkeit nicht machbar? Können Populus-Bewegungen wie Fridays for Future tatsächlich Klimawandel effektiv entgegentreten? Was meinen wir, wenn wir davon ausgehen, etwas sein ‘machbar’? Ein Gespräch über Narrative, komplexe und einfache Systeme mit Tom Tiller und Tom Amarque.

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Jenseits von Links und Rechts: Matthias Thiele im Gespräch

Wahrscheinlich müssen wir beginnen, über die alten politischen Kategorien von ‘links’ und ‘rechts’ nachzudenken, da sie einer anderen Zeit entstammen und den Anforderungen der heutigen Zeit nicht mehr gerecht werden. Der Psychologe und Buchautor Matthias Thiele in diesem Podcast über den Zusammenhang von Politik und Psychologie.

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Tomas Björkman (The World we create) [engl.]

Tomas Björkman is a swedish entrepeneur, finanicer. member of the Club of Rome, author, philosopher, and I had the distinct pleasure talking to him. He just came of the Metamodern and Emerge gatherings in Kiev, so naturally we talked about this, about his new book 'The world we create", his voyage to metamodernism, about marketforces, capitalism, universal basic income, Kegans stages of development, all in all a pleasurable chat that highlighted the need to grow up, mature, and take responsiblity for the world we want to create.

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