Bonnitta Roy: The Convivial Life - Conversations with Ivan Illich & Friends
Course Objective
The course aims to explore the philosophical teachings of Ivan Illich, a deeply religious and brilliant thinker who lived in a time when it was common for friends to share meaningful conversations about personal life and the state of the world. Illich’s ideas were often controversial and provocative, and he considered it his mission to build committed human ties by working through difficult issues by challenging the “conventional wisdom.” The course will use Illich’s provocations to catalyze a deeper understanding around the meaning of this world and how we live our lives in these times.
Illich’s provocative views challenged people to drop into a more intimate friendship, what Illich referred to as “occasions for the kindling and growth of philia.” Speaking to his interlocutor, David Cayley, he reflected on his mission: “I wanted to see if it would be possible to create truly, deeply committed human ties on the occasion and by the means of a common investigation.” Illich who was both behind his times and ahead of his times: with one foot in the 12 th century, and one foot in the 21 st century, he was an exile of his own time, and for the most part, remains misunderstood even by his fans. Illich is best known for describing the inflection point in human history when original good deeds turn into the most serious inversions of them: “The medicine makes you sick, the money makes you poor and the schools make you stupid.” He saw this inflection point in all sectors of human society, including both church and state.
We might re-interpret “our time in between worlds” as a direct result of the inversion of the old world wherein the original goods and values that the western world was founded on, have turned into their opposites. So where do we go from here?
This course continues the spirit of Illich and his mission. Each of the four modules has a pre-recorded presentation, and four weekly live on-line sessions. Parallax has also designed the course to include “campfire sessions” following the live-on-line sessions which will function as “occasions for kindling philia.”
Note: The following is an AI organized outline: For Bonnie’s expanded course descrption click here
Module Outline
September 10 • Lesson I - Education
Cosumer Education
The real purpose of education is to elevate the consumer standards of each successive generation.
Consumer education will become the human capital theory of the next decade as the global society transitions from economies based on labor and income, to economies based on consumption and debt.
Village Education
The ontological design of education is the extra-curricular signal that will outlast the curricular content.
A typical day in class would have the same sensorimotor stimulation of a typical day sauntering through a village, participation in the vibrant life of well-placed community, grounding the children in both a sense of belonging and place.
Saying without Naming
Educare means to bring forth more life.
We know that by saying, we will capture just some—but not all (and perhaps not much) of what is possible to say. To say- but-not-name means to keep open the passed-over possibilities through an artful use of language.
September 17 • Lesson II - Tools, Technology, Techne
Tools for Conviviality
Why shouldn’t it be possible to think about objects of daily use as products of human intention and the use of appropriate tool? ~ Ivan Illich
Digital technology lack instrumentality. It lacks the necessary distance between a tool and the user.
Art & Aesthetic Reason
All art is ecological ~ Timothy Morton
September 24 • Lesson III - Institutions & the Production of Subjectivity
People vs Systems
The Gaia Hypothesis takes on a gruesome meaning when it is used by someone who has been swallowed by the system to express his self-consciousness. ~ Ivan Illich
Death of the Communal Self
At the core of the convivial society is the communal self generating networks of trust
The Production of Conviviality
The Convivial Society is constituted by the four domains of care.
October 1st • Lesson IV - Church & State
Politics & Governance
Whenever I look for the roots of modernity, I find them in the attempts of the churches to institutionalize, legitimize and manage Christian vocation. ~ Ivan Illich
The Religious Life
How is it that Jewish people came into existence around their prophets?
The Good Samaritan
God didn’t become man, he became flesh. ~ Ivan Illich
By the end of this course, participants should be able to:
Understand Ivan Illich's Philosophy: Gain a deep understanding of Ivan Illich's philosophical teachings and how they apply to various aspects of life, including education, technology, institutions, and religion.
Engage in Meaningful Conversations: Develop the ability to engage in meaningful, thought-provoking conversations about personal life and the state of the world, following the tradition of Ivan Illich.
Analyze Contemporary Issues: Use Illich's teachings as a lens to analyze and understand contemporary issues in society.
Critically Evaluate Education Systems: Critically evaluate the purpose and design of education systems, and explore alternative models of education.
Understand the Role of Technology: Understand the role of technology in society, its benefits, and its potential drawbacks.
Explore the Concept of Institutions: Explore the concept of institutions and their impact on individual and societal subjectivity.
Understand the Interplay between Church and State: Gain an understanding of the interplay between church and state, and its implications for modern society.
Develop Skills for Convivial Living: Learn practical skills and strategies for living a convivial life, including building networks of trust and understanding the domains of care.
Appreciate Art and Aesthetic Reasoning: Develop an appreciation for art and aesthetic reasoning, and understand their ecological implications.
Apply Course Learnings to Real Life: Apply the knowledge and skills gained in the course to real-life situations, fostering a deeper understanding of the world and enhancing personal growth.
Course Materials
All course materials, including PDF and online versions, & workshop templates will be provided for live participants. The course will feature guest voices such as Jan Zwickey, Frost & Snow, and Jaques Ranciere The Ignorant Schoolmaster, among others.
About your facilitator
Bonnitta is a visioneer, insight guide and horse whisperer. Her work is deeply embodied and grounded and over the last several years she's shown us how to trust the intelligence of life again. She is founder of Alderlore Insight Center and curates wickedly provocative and seriously surprising conversations at The Pop-UP School.