A course on Unifying Theory of Knowledge (UTOK) with Prof. Gregg Henriques, starts March 10th
Read MoreMetamodernism is the philosophy and view of life that corresponds to the digitalized, postindustrial, global age. This can be contrasted against modern and postmodern philosophies.
Read MoreSolving global problems is anything but simple, but Simpol might just have an answer.
Ever wondered why governments are failing to tackle problems like Climate Change or Nuclear Disarmament? Or why they're unprepared to properly combat global health threats?
Simpol is a way of understanding the root causes that keep governments from solving global problems. And it offers a solution
Read MoreACSMINDWORKS verbindet Körper, Geist und Seele mit unterschiedlichsten Techniken. Wir helfen dir dabei, in Balance zu kommen und zu bleiben. Die Lösung deiner Probleme sowie das Erreichen deiner Ziele liegt nicht im Außen, sondern im Innen, und genau dort befindet sich auch deine ganze Kraft.
Read MoreNoetic Nomads is a community of dreamers and changemakers.
Radical thinkers, artists, technologists, entrepreneurs, spiritual seekers.
Join us as we navigate and make sense of the unfolding global meta-crisis in the course of co-creating a more beautiful future.
Read MorePostmodernism as a period is over, even if the critiques are piling up from all corners, left and right, from Jordan Peterson to Slavoj Zizek. Meanwhile, the world has diverged sharply from its neoliberal, globalist trajectory. So where are we headed now? In this video, I investigate the question of what comes after postmodernism, looking at some of the trends and reactions that are shaping the new cultural paradigm as of 2019.
Read MoreIn this episode, we're talking to Zak Stein, philosopher, futurist, and author of Education in a Time Between Worlds. We discuss how global systems are expanding beyond the capacities and institutions that the era of capitalist nation states used to manage them, and how as a result we are living in a time between worlds. We explore how this transition needs new ways of doing society, and new ways to prepare people for life in this new society.
Read MoreMANiphesto is an open-source, collaborative community of men who want to step up and take responsibility for themselves, their communities and society. We do not have any formal leadership or spokesmen, but believe that the best way to explore gender roles and being a man is through collaboration, knowledge transfer and mutual support with other men.
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