CADELL LAST: Zarathustra and the last man

A Parallax Media Academy Presentation: Hosted by Owen Cox and Andrew Sweeny


Cadell Last introduces the explosive text known as Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche.

About Cadell: "I am a philosopher interested in interpreting and communicating the greatest philosophical works with the aim of bringing these works into a practical engagement for the life of the mind. I believe the most important challenge for the human mind today is reconciling itself with itself, that is the body and society that has been given to it through historical contingency. From this spiritual reconciliation we do not get an end to tension or conflict, but a capacity to posit new necessities which may lead to even more interesting and intelligent tension or conflict.

Here my work to this point has focused on highlighting specific great minds and the totality of their body of work. These minds were selected because I believe they are essential for reconciling the mind with historical contingency and the development of new necessities. You can find a course on the work of Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis, as well as a course on the work of Georg Hegel, and specifically the Phenomenology of Spirit, as it may be the most important philosophical text of the modern age."


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