Parallax Sangha #10: Digital Nomad Symposium

With Alexander Bard, Owen Cox, Daniel Fraga and Jurij Jukic


Why be a nomad? What does it offer? What challenges do nomads face, personally, socially, and politically? Which places are particularly interesting and friendly to the lifestyle? Which are not? And what can organisations and communities do to attract them? The aim is to raise awareness about the lifestyle, both for current and aspiring nomads, and to promote and develop the cultural projects that several of our guests are working on.

Guests include the familiar Alexander Bard (author of The Netocrats and Digital Libido) and Daniel Fraga (author of Ontological Design), and new guests Serge Faguet (philosopher-entrepreneur), Anastasia Kalinina and Alexandra Seaman (founders of the reState foundation), Dušan Matuška (crypto educator), and Jurij Jukic (Urbit developer).

What is Parallax Sangha? Parallax Sangha is a digital classroom and living community dedicated to studying, practising, and contemplating matters of the soul and psyche. We are a network of friends, writers, teachers, and podcasters offering online study circles, classes, and offline events all over Europe.

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