Alexander Bard talks to Andrew Sweeny and Owen Cox about anthropology, philosophy and religion. The conversation begins exploring Bard's theories of socio-sexual archetypes and how they relate to social structure, spirituality and religion. It then explores the legacy of various religious traditions and their relevance today, the meaning of tantra and "barred absolute", Bard's ideas on empire and technology, and the prospects of building a 21st-century global religion. Followed by Q&A.
Read MoreOwen Cox discusses Cadell Last's paper "A Reflective Note for Dialectical Thinkers", which contains many of the core elements of Cadell's philosophy. The paper describes how dialectical thinking works, using the examples of religious and secular subjects and societies to illustrate the historical development of spirit. Owen's talk explores Cadell's arguments and shows how to approach contemporary phenomena through a dialectical lens, and how subjects can attempt to think and act creatively between contradictory ideas and ideals.
Read MoreParallax Sangha is a digital classroom and living community dedicated to studying, practising, and contemplating matters of the soul and psyche. We are a network of friends, writers, teachers, and podcasters offering online study circles, classes, as well as offline events all over Europe.
Read MoreIs wokeness essentially neo-liberal? Is it a modern or postmodern phaenomomen? Why do leftists and greens betray their agenda? What is the US goal in regard of the ucraine crisis, and in what way is it related to wokeness? And are there religious aspects of woke?
Read MoreLayman Pascal is an author, public speaker, yoga teacher, nondualist theologian, meditation advocate & chakra biopsychologist. He is the host of the popular podcast The Integral Stage. He is based in Thunder Bay, Ontario on the amethyst-rich Northwest tip of the world’s largest freshwater lake. He is a writer on themes of developmental cultural philosophy, shamanism and organic spiritual development. Lately, he has been active as a board member of the Foundation for Integral Religion and Spirituality and a founder of the Beyond Interfaith project, Ontario Depth Adaptation and leader of the Metamodern Spirituality retreats in Vermont.
Read MoreWie wägen wir unser Verhalten in einer zunehmend komplexen Welt ab? Was ist ‘Interbeing’ und der Unterschied zwischen ‘Resillienz’ und ‘transformativer Resillienz’? Vor allem aber: Welche Narrative und Perspektiven müssen wir ändern, um den Krisen des 21.sten Jahrhunderts sinnvoll begegnen zu können?
Read MoreFormerly the Maniphesto Media Academy and now part of the Parallax Academy—Parallax sangha is an online school dedicated to the study, practice, and contemplation of mind, body, and soul. In other words, we are a convivial network of friends, writers, teachers, and podcasters offering online study circles and public events.
Read MoreWhere are we in this 'time between worlds', and what are the possible and probably outcomes of our current trajectories. We are facing a crisis, while at the same time out institutions do not seem fit or able to solve these problems.
Read MoreBoth the end of the media academy season and the 55th Sweeny vs Bard. Alexander discusses different realms: the realm of one dogma, the realm of many dogmas in dialectic, and the realm of no dogma—in terms of sex, education and social organization. We also talked about sex difference, shamanism, and the difference between the tantric and the sutric realm. 2 hours of mad ideation and fun.
Read MoreCadell introduces the explosive text known as Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Frederic Nietzche
Read MoreLayman Pascal is an author and host of the Podcast The Integral Stage. He is also a public speaker, nondual theologian and yoga & meditation teacher, apocalyptarian—and so many other things. We brought Layman to the Parallax Media Academy to talk about Tantra—to get his view of why Tantra is necessary and essential in the 21st Century and what kind of ground needs to be laid for genuine Tantra to flourish. A wonderful and rich conversation with a fantastic and creative tantric thinker.
Read MoreAlex Ebert is an erstwhile multiplatinum songwriter and Golden Globe-winning film composer now taking up philosophy in New Orleans. He is currently finishing his first book, Dead Cool, an analysis of sociodynamics and status anxiety in the age of Cool.
We talked with him about death, the creative process, coolness and the need to constantly step into the gap.
Today, technology allows us a new form of design: one that designs subjects, not objects; people, not things. By designing the information someone consumes, we can frame their opinions. By designing the interactions they have with digital devices, we can frame their thinking. This is known by not only tech giants but by military intelligence. And now, it is time that it becomes known by designers - especially those at the vanguard of dying paradigms.
Read MoreJim Rutt was Co-Host of the Santa Fe-Institute, Co-initiator of the Game B community, and host of the popular podcast the Jim Rutt Show.
We are were talking about complexity, catastrophes, competition in relationship to Game A and Game B. How to deal with complex systems? How efficacious are
Was bedeutet Planetarisches Bewusstsein ausgedrückt in Kunst, Kulturentwicklung und in einer gelebten Tiefenökologie? Wie erleben wir Übergänge, Mutationen und Rites of Passages in Zeiten der Pandemie und Krise? Wie findet sich Resilienz und schöpferische Kraft im Prozess zwischen Krankheit und Gesundung?
Parallax-Interview with Aaron Cheak about Origin, being free of time, yin and yang forms will, and the difference between Jean Gebsers and Ken Wilbers philosophy.
Parallax-Interview with Sophie Strand about the connections between myths, archetypes, fungi, gender roles and consciousness.
Parallax-Interview with Zak Stein about the information-war and the Consillience Project.
Read MoreParallax-Interview with Tomas Björkman
Tomas Björkman is a is a Swedish financier, social entrepreneur and author. He sits down with Parallax to talk about the meta-crisis we are facing today, cryptocurrency, the recent Emerge-gathering he organized in Berlin as well as the rules of problems and structures of the economy, capitalism and the market.
Read MoreLayman Pascal is, amongst other things, an author and host of the Podcast THE INTEGRAL STAGE. In this conversation we are talking about the post-postmodern ecosystem, the role of integral philosphy, cultural source-codes, Magick, Robert Anton Wilson and Tim Leary, and the resaon why we could use stage-theory although we know it could not be true.
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