Parallax Sangha #8: O.G. Rose

Literature, Philosophy, and Tragedy


Owen Cox and Andrew Sweeny talk to OG Rose ( pen name of Daniel and Michelle Garner) about the creative dance between literature and philosophy. They discuss how literature makes philosophy real by putting ideas into the conflict between different human subjects, requiring the reader to evaluate and undergo their process of self-discovery and self-becoming in reading. They discuss the pitfalls of rationality and intellect divorced from the body and how art helps keep the two together. They think about tragedy and trauma in literature and critique notions of "post-tragedy". And they think about the state of modern literature and culture in general, where it goes wrong, and what it needs.

O.G. Rose is the penname of Daniel and Michelle Garner, consisting of Michelle’s maiden, middle, and their shared last name. While at the University of Virginia, O.G. Rose spent several years working collaboratively with other artists at Eunoia, a creative community Rose helped develop. Rose now lives on a farm, manages a wedding venue named Mead Lake Lodge, operates Frozen Glory Photography, and teaches piano using visuals from the DLG Pattern Method.

A finalist for the 2020 UNO Press Lab Prize and 46th Pushcart Nominee, Rose’s creative works appear at The Write Launch, Allegory Ridge, Streetlight Magazine, Ponder Review, Iowa Review online, The William and Mary Review, Assure Press, Toho Journal online, West Trade Review, ellipsis, Poydras Review, O:JA&L, Burningword, and Broken Pencil.

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