Parallax Sangha #7: Raven Connolly

Gender Envy


In this conversation Owen and Raven begin by discussing autoeroticism and autogynephelia, a theory for understanding transgenderism different from the usual gender theories. They continue to think about sexual subculture and the broader 20th and 21st century context, then open up a group discussion which begins to explore the idea of ritual time vs ordinary time and how we suffer when the distinctions break down.

Raven Connolly has been described as a “digital socialite” and a “philosopher queen”. She is currently travelling Europe and America, exploring and networking with the various underground subcultures of the avant-garde, hippy and tech scenes. She has been a host on Peter Limberg’s Stoa, a facilitator with the Nordic Women’s Gathering, and was a student of Bret Weinstein (of IDW fame).

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