The Separator is the Connector: Nonduality in the Network Age

Beyond Sex, Drugs & Psychoanalysis toward an integrative spiritual life for collaborative metamodern syntheists in the Age of Connection, Complexity & Catastrophe 

This new course from PARALLAX ACADEMY’s “Rebuilding Spirituality” curriculum is an in-depth exploration of connectedness as the root of both spiritual & religious practices for the emerging epoch.  The inimitable Layman Pascal will guide you through inner and interpersonal practices appropriate to a trans-secular age of digital, neural, mycelial & social networks.  What is required by the dynamic communities around you and within you?  What sorts of psychotechnologies work best for a world of links, interconnections and collaborative relationships?  How do we generate ritual, sacred togetherness and satisfying existential intensification in a universe of informational networks?

Join Layman for embodied wisdom-skill practices, supportive depth-oriented feedback in live Q & A sessions, and special access to advanced theory modules explaining the view necessary to make sense of how we reformat authentic transformational spirituality for our strange and disturbing times.

Layman Pascal is a species of author, public speaker, yoga teacher, nondualist theologian, meditation advocate & chakra biopsychologist. He is the host of the popular podcast THE INTEGRAL STAGE. He is based in Victoria, British Columbia. His family has lived in the coastal islands for five generations. He is a writer on themes of cultural philosophy, shamanism and organic spiritual development. Lately he has been active as a board member of the Foundation for Integral Religion and Spirituality and a founder of the Beyond Interfaith project.

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