Sacred Technology & the Sacred Feminine (with Layman Pascal)
- Subscribers do get free access to the previous two courses of Layman Pascal -
Connectivity vs Connectedness
A Metamodern Approach to Yin/Yang Polarities in the Restoration of Spirituality for the Age of the Metacrisis
This new course from PARALLAX ACADEMY’s “Rebuilding Spirituality” curriculum is an in-depth exploration of gender metaphors and polarized dualities from a metamodern & integrative perspective. Human technology has appeared historically to be a hypermasculine (or YANG) force that has excluded and marginalized YIN aspects of reality. However, the ongoing progress in physical, informational and psychological technologies has revealed a world that largely corresponds to ancient notions of the Sacred Feminine. It is mysterious, complex, organic, relational, transrational, embodied and flowing.
How do we re-engage and honor those dimensions of existence without reifying the dualistic metaphors, misjudging the inclusive and plural nature of human gender or ignoring the role of a revivified masculinity in emerging spiritual and religious culture? What are the different ways that these metaphors show up in diverse domains of human experience relevant to the contemporary emergence of the Sacred? And what sorts of personal and collective practices take us to the living edge of these queries?
Join Layman for embodied wisdom-skill practices, supportive depth-oriented feedback in live Q&A sessions, shared emergence spaces and special access to advanced theory modules explaining the view necessary to make sense of how we reformat authentic transformational spirituality for our strange and disturbing times.
4 pre-recorded lectures, 4 live interactive teaching calls (Sunday class begins promptly at 5 p.m. CET/ 11am EST on Zoom) & 4 open-ended non-hierarchical campfire sessions (8, 15, 22, 29) to follow up on emergent question, share tangential insights and focus on the shared collaborative space between participants.
April 2 • LESSON I: HUMAN SOCIETY. What are Gods and Goddesses? How do human ideas of masculine and feminine apply to the cosmos and to inner practice? When do binaries help and when do they deceive? How are our social and spiritual attitudes toward sexual polarities changing under the influence of new technologies? What does the revivifying of women's and men's mysteries look like? How do we balance personal and collective spirituality? Centralized and decentralized spiritual authority? Abstract hierarchies of impersonal Being vs. uniquely lived paths of creative empowerment.
April 9 • LESSON II: BRAINS! What are the practical spiritual implications of the new understanding of Right and Left brain hemispheres? How do affective and imaginal intelligence relate to analytic and formal intelligence? How should the linear mind relate most productively to the holistic mind? What sorts of practices readjust the neural balance? What sorts of technologies drive us toward sacred experience within the feminine matrix of the cosmos?
April 16 • LESSON III: NATURE. What is the optimal relationship between technological humanity and the Natural World? Where do embodiment, ecology and shamanic practices fit into the future of spiritual traditions and secular civilization? What kind of biosphere can enfold the noosphere? What is naturalness? How do humans both stand up to and more deeply serve the living environments in which we have evolved?
April 23 • LESSON IV: SUBTLE REALMS. How do we intelligently access the experience of both supreme consciousness and omni-pervasive flows of change? Shiva & Shakti. What is a metamodern approach to subtle energy and subtle visions? Where do breathing, moving, dancing and somatic flow fit into a post-postmodern, both/and religion? How do we stand before the dark womb of Death? What sorts of ethics and interpersonal sensitivities need to be considered among people who engage in the "feminine" practices of opening, resonating, communion and non-linear pattern-making? And when do we say no to all that?
Deepen your capacity to explore, compare, evaluate and enhance your spiritual practices.
Practice attunement, mixing and assimilation of alternate states of consciousness.
Establish new spiritually-based relationships using communication styles that are not idealist, dogmatic, cynical, gullible or dismissive.
Generate new flavors of being by harmonizing the different intelligences of our spiritual organism.
Explore the access points to radical consciousness without absolutism or metaphysical baggage.
Strengthen your skills in intentional attention, somatic interception, subtle energetics, liberating insight & deeper connection.
Learn to inhabit cognitive dissonance and refine it into cognitive resonance.
Layman Pascal is an author, public speaker, yoga teacher, nondualist theologian, meditation advocate & chakra biopsychologist. He is the host of the popular podcast THE INTEGRAL STAGE. He is based in Thunder Bay, Ontario on the amethyst-rich Northwest tip of the world’s largest freshwater lake. He is a writer on themes of developmental cultural philosophy, shamanism and organic spiritual development. Lately, he has been active as a board member of the Foundation for Integral Religion and Spirituality and a founder of the Beyond Interfaith project, Ontario Depth Adaptation and leader of the Metamodern Spirituality retreats in Vermont.